Gifts of Grace

By grace

Happy, happy, happy

I shall be have been released from WEEKS of recapitulation.

I know because everything in the world looked heartbreakingly beautiful today, because I was able to speak to people again and to take them in, because I have words again and am able to write more fluidly. Posting still some ways off but all is flow again. Blessed be.

Couldn't help but hear Bob Dylan in my head all day. If you are of a certain age and in the mood for a little nostalgia the link is worth a look/listen - quite a party they were having. Which led me to this favourite - turn up the speakers, irresistible chorus!

#am writing #am released (from recapitulation) #Phew!

PS there's a touching story behind this. Isn't it a beautiful thing?
She takes commissions :)

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