Speaking With Forked Tongue

Well it's not often I have a dangerous weapon around my neck usually it takes Viagra for that haha only kidding folks but this was me in Arbroath High street to day after I toured Arbroath Abbey I had arrived in Arbroath by train and I brought my bike so I could cycle back to Dundee 17 miles back down the line and it was a glorious day indeed so as I started cycling out down the high street I saw this woman sunning her two young Boa Constrictors so I had asked her if I could take a picture of them she said yes but she didn't want to be in the photo so being the tough Scotsman I asked if she would allow me to put them around my neck and she take the picture for me so she said yes but in the end I got my camera back and rattled off a few shots looking up at them whilst they were still thinking whether to choke the life out of me but it didn't perturb me one bit as when I worked at Edinburgh Zoo back in the eighties I got to hold a snake many times so not a new thing for me to hold a snake in my hand but it was a great day apart from having an achy butt I was going to go for the movie Rawhide but seeing as it's a snake shot I will do one on that theme today I also got a couple of shots of me sitting in the driving seat of one of Kerr's Miniature Railway class 25 BR blue Engines on the seafront and I also kneeled down to take photos at the Tomb/Grave of William The Lion King Of Scots 1165-1214 which was quite a humbling experience indeed and the King who was interred inside the Old Abby but his grave is now outside as the Abby is a ruin now but the Abby is more famous for being the location of The Declaraton Of Arbroath in 1320 and was a big influence on Americas own Declaration Of Independence as they believed in Liberty and The Tradition of Freedom so it was a nice day with me having a lovely chat whilst sitting on a bench looking out to sea dreaming away and enjoying the heat as well as looking west Dundee was under a blanket of cloud so reluctantly I cycled off towards Dundee and the cloud but it was a lovely day and all in I cycled 23 miles today as the cpap machine carries on working it's magic I will post another couple of shots of the miniature engines at Arbroath.
So movie for the day is "Snakes On A Train 2006" See Ya

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