Sunday: Mahonia, again …
… because this afternoon, whilst cutting some baby salad leaves for tea, I could hear what sounded like a very large bumblebee very close to me - the Mahonia is one of the few plants in flower which the bees like … I stood underneath the branches but couldn’t see the bee :-((
Early start this morning to a Christmas Fair a few miles away (Penmynydd), everyone so welcoming and friendly - a young man, about 10yrs old with his arm in a sling immediately befriended me and took me around the stalls and pointing out his favourite things - his Mum and sister were on a jewellery stall and we had a lovely chat :-)
Onwards to Lidl for groceries, then finally to HomeBargains where I bought 2 kilo of kitten biscuits for the hedgehogs which will keep them going for a while! :-))
Saw 2 hedgehogs at dusk, a very large one and later the small dark coloured one - it got very cold by teatime so we put the heating on early …
Love and hugs to all my family XXXX XXX XX
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx
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