Cool, stormy and gloomy

…day until late this evening when the sun came out. 

I did 2 loads of washing that Bob got in just before it rained. He is in my good books especially as he cooked a delicious roast pork dinner. 

I played the piano, watched YouTube videos and did some knitting. I can’t believe how informative YouTube is. On Thursday I went to the optometrist and she said I had dry eyes. Sold me a heat pack and some drops with instructions to use them each day. The eye patch had directions to warm it up for 15 seconds and apply for 5 minutes. That was relaxing but I didn’t notice any change. I found an ophthalmologist’s  video who looked at the research on how hot and how long to leave the heat pack on. He suggests 40°c  for 20 minutes. He even showed how to measure the temp. I increased the time to 22 seconds and 20 minutes (reheating after 15 minutes) and it seems to work a treat. The thing with dry eyes is you make more tears, sounds strange but the videos explain what is going on.

I did a bit of weeding, the couch grass is getting into the garden beds and growing like mad in all this rain. The knitting is coming on which is fun to do. 

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