One Street - Preston Brook and Back

My progress along One Street this morning was very slow as I stopped to talk to a number of folk that I met.

There was a very lively group on a day boat, a lovely Welshman who was hoping for a dry spell so that he could get on with painting his boat. A couple who were out on their first trip had got into a bit of bother trying to turn their boat around. They were helped by a lovely couple from Yorkshire who soon got them going again in the right direction.

There was another angling competition. My eye was drawn to an elderly gentleman wearing tweed and smoking a pipe. When I remarked that he looked very contented he said that he had good reason. There were two four pound bream in his net and he was sure that with that catch he would win the competition.

Everyone that I asked was more than happy for me to take their photo. You can see them here.

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