Ivy clad oak tree on Fairway Road South
I used to visit this tree for a photo a month project. Sadly it seems to be being strangled by ivy but some foliage remains.
Very cold compared with what we've been experiencing. Even the wind sounds different blowing from the north.
At the market, I bought Zander fish for tea. It was delicious, AND cheaper than Sea Bass and Sea Bream. I think Louie was pleased to be rid of the remaining fillets. It hadn't been a good morning for trade.
Finkins was very busy. Good thing I chose the table outside in the sun instead of the shade because we had to wait ages for our toasted sandwiches.
I suppose my main achievement was to select the photos from Google Photos for the zine I'm preparing for my book-making course. They're all taken on my Google Pixel phone so I shall be interested to see how they turn out.
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