
By CharlotteJ

Roadside Daisy

I think it is safe to say Blip is always on my mind!!

I'm sure people in their cars in the traffic jam thought I was positively mad....I wasn't driving, but stuck in traffic next to these pretty daisies, so opened the window, pushed the camera out and hey presto blip taken just as the traffic started to move again. There is a slight blur, so decided a little treatment was needed!

Left the house at 7am, in London for 9am, meeting at 10am to be back in the car for 10:45...I'm am pretty sure the meeting could have been a conference call!! I said all of three words 'yes, TUPE applies'! (TUPE, for those of you not up to date with HR speak means Transfer of Undertakings, Protection of Employment). So now I will no doubt be spending months pushing spread sheets around to ensure people are treated correctly and move across successfully! Let the fun commence.
Well, best dash, I must look after the day job!

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