The Edge of the Heath

These are the birches on the northern edge of the drier, heathy part of Hinderclay Fen, taken at about lunchtime today in between taking fixed record shots in the area - very high contrast in the sunshine, though I have softened it a bit in processing!

I take photorecords quarterly for the conservation group which manages the area - today was a bit too bright, a bit too windy, but I'd been putting it off because of the wet weather so it had to be done. The central part of the Fen is as you might expect, wet with reeds, and it becomes even wetter to the west of the area. The extra shows the flooded alders at the western end - it's one of the record shots where I don't have any choice over camera position or direction & the angle of the sun wasn't ideal. I've Blipped their buttressed roots before - they're very photogenic!

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