
By Paladian


The great annual chomp-fest has begun. The smallest of the woolly bear caterpillars have hatched, and they are at it. This is a tiny baby (or it was, it's gone to that great luscious leaf in the sky).

They are not at all desirable around the garden. They'll eat everything and anything, and are the caterpillar of the black and white tiger moth. This moth lays eggs in their thousands, and - trust me - most of them hatch.


I actually wouldn't mind so much if they just ate soursobs. For those up there in the North, soursobs are an introduced species of noxious weed, a Bermuda buttercup, African wood-sorrel, Bermuda sorrel, Buttercup oxalis, Cape sorrel, English weed, Goat's-foot, Sourgrass, depending on where you come from. It hails from South Africa, and I do so wish it would go back from whence it came.

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