Thanksgiving Eve
We woke to a couple of inches of slushy snow but it soon changed over to rain by mid-morning. What a dull wet day for those traveling but inside we’re cozy and warm • Last year I prepped some dishes the day before Thanksgiving and it made my holiday much more enjoyable. In my younger years I never gave it a thought, easy-peasy, but now it’s a lot of work, even for just two of us • I baked two loaves of my Mom’s pumpkin bread; one loaf will go into the freezer for Christmas Eve. The rutabaga and butternut squash are done and in the fridge. The rest of the menu will be prepared tomorrow. At least two days of leftovers are planned for :)) • MrsP is my dear dishwasher • Sadly, you may notice this female finch is suffering from avian conjunctivitis, a bacterial, respiratory infection. Some do recover but many lose their sight and eventually die • Enjoy your evening!
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