
By PorridgeWog

Dressed for the weather (Day 3116)

Another dark wander with Sigyn this morning, but at least it wasn't blowing a gale and raining.
The drive out to Evie was a real change from yesterday, and I should have stopped to get a quick shot of sunny views along the way. Once at the job, there were lots of discussions about where things are going and what size and shape the things will be, and where I will need to run supplies and wastes.
One of the things I need sooner rather than later is the former for the wet room floor, so after a clear up of stuff and a bit of minor trench digging, I zoomed to town to get it ordered.
Home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn, then off to Orphir to fix a drippy tap and clear a boiler flue.
I was cutting it fine to get along to the horses and get them dressed before the rain started but I just managed. Today's pic has been brightened a fair bit because it was getting quite dark by the time I was done with chores at the field.
There is a suggestion that the coming storms might mean my beautiful wife will be marooned in the far north.

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