Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Yes, it's the mossy bench again. Funnily enough, just along the road a bit is a brand new sparkling black metal bench. I do hope they never replace this one.

Actually, it's the 'vet bench'.Those of you who don't know about dogs' anal glands are lucky. And any actual dog owners who still don't know (or don’t need to know) about doggie anal glands have hit the doggie jackpot! Anyway, they sometimes get blocked, and boy, do they smell... and they must be uncomfortable for the dog.

We took the bus there and walked back. We were in and out of the vet's in two minutes flat. 

£27 please... 

On the way home I tried to work out what the hourly rate for that would be. 27 x 30 = £810 per hour. X 8 for the daily rate = £6,480. Though you'd have to have all the dogs lined up ready to be whipped in, sorted and whipped out again. Even if you stopped for half an hour for lunch, you could probably retire after a year.

This morning we paid for the Aussie holiday in January. Oooh, that was quite nerve wracking - it was a Very Very Big Number!

JR and Hazel are off to an event in town. The posh shops in town all have Festive drinks events for good customers. Hazel is the good customer, and JR is Hazel's Plus One.

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