Monday: Andreas Canyon
It was a perfect day. We drove to Andreas Canyon, which is part of the Indian Palms Canyon park, and hiked through the oasis. It was beautiful - a palm oasis in the middle of the desert. It was so nice to be able to walk for a while and in perfect temperatures.
In true British style we took a packed lunch (we made sandwiches and hard boiled eggs) and found a perfectly located picnic table.
This afternoon, we went to a bookstore and really enjoyed browsing.
The nice thing about cocktail hour at our accommodation is that you get to meet the other guests. It’s always fascinating to hear other peoples’ stories. One woman is a ‘personal farmers’ market shopper’ to the rich of LA. Basically, she goes round the farmers’ markets and shops for people. Her clients include Jay-Z and Beyoncé………
We had sushi this evening and I got to wear a light jacket for the first time in over a year. Very exciting on both levels……..
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