Golden End to the Day

A day that had continued as yesterday left off, dull and sometimes wet.   This, at around 4pm, as I set off to give the dogs a run, was the best it got all weekend.   

The dogs had a good run at the ball field but Meg has injured her mouth, picking up a stick which I had foolishly thrown to distract her from chasing Bella's ball.  Meg drops her ball in random places if distracted by anything and has absolutely no concept of bringing it back once she's dropped it.  She ate her food very slowly when we got home and is still subdued.  Another trip to the vets in the morning if she remains out of sorts then :-/

Otherwise a day at home apart from an hour at pottery starting the glazing of two small vases.   Lots of much needed cleaning this morning, really only scraping the surface of what needs doing but where I have been it's made a big difference.   Some quiet time after lunch, sorting photos of kohleria which are now going dormant and will soon start being listed for sale on eBay.   More of the same tonight plus pics of the slate coasters that Jamie has produced with some of my alpine flower pictures on them.

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