By lizzie_birkett

Happy Birthday Winnie!

Frank’s sister, Winnie is 70 today and we all met for a late lunch at Ferrari’s in Longridge. We didn’t know in advance that she was footing the bill!
Winnie is not in good health but keeps plodding on. (A long term ex smoker) The photo shows her and two of her 3 kids.
We had a lovely afternoon with much chat and laughter. 
As usual though hardly any vegan options on the menu and the one we chose they didn’t have so ended up with the usual veggie burger.
Honestly, it’s about time these places upped their game. I get fed up having to settle for the the usual burger or pasta, I can make them at home!
There’s a hotel in Malham (not far from us) whose owners have changed the whole hotel to plant based (because of their love for animals) and the response from people has been 90% positive and they are fully booked for the next few months. We will be booking a weekend there ;-)
Time for telly and a cider.

Goodnight ;-)X

The extra is my Dad as a young man. He would have been 100 today but he was only 64 when he died of emphysema - also a long term smoker. 
I raised a glass to him today as well ;-)

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