Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Off on an adventure....................

First thing this morning I had quite a long walk so I didn't think I'd be going on any more walks till this afternoon, but after I'd had my breakfast and Ann had only had a cup of coffee & watched two episodes of Brookside do you know what she said?................ She said, 'Trixie, it's a lovely day, let's go off on an adventure'.

We jumped on a number 5 bus and went to the end of Milton Road, and then walked down the road to 'Newhailes House'. Newhailes House is great because the house is set in huge grounds and there are zillions of squirrels that need chasing. Sometimes I had to chase four at once, but I didn't catch any. Booohoooo. Those pesky little creatures always seem to run up a tree, just when I think I'm about to catch them.

Ann phoned our friend, Iain, to see if he wanted to meet us for 'Brunch' at midday at the 'Harbour Cafe' at Musselburgh Harbour. She was feeling a bit hungry because she hadn't had any breakfast. It was 11.15am at this point and Iain was still in bed!!!

When we got to 'Harbour Cafe' it was closed so that was the end of Ann's idea to have a big fry-up breakfast, so she said, 'Trixie, let's do Plan B', and off we trotted to the takeaway caravan at the other side of the harbour for a bacon roll. OMG! The queue at the takeaway caravan was miles long, OK slight exaggeration so Ann said, 'Trixie, let's walk along the beach and then find somewhere in Musselburgh for a snack.

I found a manky old tennis ball on the beach. Yay!

….............But was there anywhere in Musselburgh for 'brunch' with a dog, on a Sunday. There was not!!! Eventually, Ann said, 'Trixie, I'll just buy a sandwich and we can sit on a bench like an old tramp'. …..........Even 'Greggs' had a queue a mile long out the door?!  After that, Ann abandoned the breakfast/lunch idea. Lol!

We walked up the River Esk to the point where the railway bridge crosses over the river and then we turned inland and walked to Inveresk. Through the park at Inveresk and then down to the 'Pinkie' area of Musselburgh where we walked to the race course and then we walked around the Musselburgh Lagoons and then back into Musselburgh town.

By this point, we'd walked 10.06 miles, it was 2.10pm, and Ann still hadn't had breakfast?! Or been to the toilet. Lol!

Jumped on a No. 26 bus to Porty and met our friend Iain in the 'Epsy'. I immediately lay down under the table in 'good dog mode', cos I was pretty tired, though I did get a big bowl of water all to myself. If anyone is looking for a doggie friendly pub in Portobello, the Epsy certainly ticks all the boxes. Ann had a Diet Coke & some Chilli cheese/beef nachos for breakfast/lunch or whatever you call a meal eaten at 3pm.

And then........................... as we were leaving........................ do you know what happened?..............the couple at the next table stopped us to tell Ann what a gorgeous little collie pup I was. TBH, people are always stopping Ann to tell her how gorgeous I am. #Icouldbeamodel

After that, Iain drove us all the way home. How lovely was that? Obviously, Ann's plan was just to jump on a bus, but tbh, when she's walked more than 6 miles (& today we'd walked 10 miles); if she stops, her feet get really sore. And she'd stopped to drink Diet Coke and eat Nachos!!! We gave Iain some of our yummy, 'Rick Stein', Chicken, Leek & Cider Gratin, as a thank you.

…...................And that's been our 'Sunday Adventure'. We've had a lovely day but not going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee.  We're both flaked out now!

Toodles. xxxx

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