New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Dreich in Burgh

P was finishing off his assignment today, so I was up early to catch a train to Edinburgh and visit the amazing book shop for my christmas book list.  I got there just after it opened and spent a good twenty minutes browsing the shelves and taking some pictures of titles that my Auntie might be able to get me for christmas.  The book list tradition started as a CD list tradition back when me and my sister were teenagers, instead of vouchers, we'd give her a CD or book list which she'd then buy for us.  However, it's such a good book shop that I didn't want to leave empty handed so picked one up that will be ommitted from the list.

It was misreable in town first thing and I got super wet going to the bookshop, so I dashed across  the road to have a cuppa and a mini fig-and-walnut bundt and an apple tea waiting to see if the weather clear up a bit.  The blip is of Leith walk in the rain.  I had a brief chat with a chap from the piano shop a few doors down from the cafe (another Yorkshire ex-pat, who said 'you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to live south of the border these days) where we discussed the difference between Glasgow and Edinburgh and their different merits.

I quickly dashed to Real Food and treated myself to some peanut butter snowballs then was back on the 10.20 train, enjoying the drizzly views.  A quick supermarket shop, lunch and P had finished his assignment so we went back out to the climbing wall to celebrate.  All in all a busy day.

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