Birthday candles

One candle for every year of my life, just burning away...

This is the tradition I have been following on my birthdays for a long time. I light all the candles, I think of a wish and then I have to blow them all in one go! I was quite impressed today to have blown 45 candles in one go!! I must be fit! :)

However, I didn't celebrate my birthday today. I just had a couple of drinks last night. I treated myself to some nice food for my dinner and I made a cake for my working colleagues tomorrow. Lit the candles for the picture and then blew them! My flatmate gave me some flowers and a box of chocolates, which was really nice of her!

On the whole I've had a nice and relaxing day. Rather overwhelmed by all the birthday wishes I got in Facebook, by the way, which made my day! I was thinking of going for a cycle today, but it became cloudier later in the day and I finally decided against it.

I'll have some nice dinner now! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments and birthday wishes! I hope you all had a good weekend! :)

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