
By Teasel


Another day working from home and the first day with no rain this week.  It was the usual routine, beginning with a pre-work walk, followed by a day at the laptop.
Work  was pretty intense, with another very unreasonable deadline sprung upon us..
I eventually logged off when BB was reminding me that he and a couple of friends needed a lift to football training.  We made it in time, even though the route I had planned for the pick-ups was scuppered due to an unexpected closed road.   I dropped them , then drove home to have tea with TT, who has appeared home when I was out.
After tea, I ordered a couple of Christmas presents and then went for  walk, while TT headed off to pick up the lads.  I came home to chill out.
These goats are in the centre of town.  A goat and a vine feature on the coat of arms of our town, and by some coincidence I blipped a vine yesterday.

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