
By littlemissquirk


Bit of a scenario today
Work full pelt, whilst being pelted by my mum with demands. Final straw? Bring me crispy bacon and cranberry sauce.
Umm mum I’m at work and can’t quite rustle that up when heading straight to Kelso after work
Oh yes you can, you can go to Greggs and get one via the hospital via going to my house and doing x, y and z and p.s. I now want to learn how to play the piano, bring me a piano book?!?!
Thankfully Greggs stop serving bacon rolls at 11am
So when I arrived laden at the hospital with all the other bizarre requests ‘ a soupçon of Parma ham and one poppadom’ i kid you not, I was not on best form.
She then proceeded to make me order a cashmere jumper, to cheer her up, ( £300)four birthday cards, sort out her laptop, do all her admin, download Wordle, again and get more data for her phone Meanwhile she did her codeword, read her Daily Mail and didn’t ask as to my day.
Pop bang whizz
Nine weeks of being ordered around, keeping my mouth shut whilst juggling my own crazy life, I cracked.
Finally words were said, reason and fairness was requested but I was told off for being unkind. So many hours and over 1000 miles done in the last nine weeks caring for her and now her every whim….and it seems I’m the unreasonable one. She may be poorly but she’s still a bisom.
Limit reached.
Forty five minutes and we mutually decided best I leave.
Ah well
Met up with N and his normal mum and went to the Pavilion cinema in Gala for my second movie of the week. Dream Scenario. Brilliant concept for the first half and one scene in particular I’m still chuckling over ( fart) however then it got very violent, weird with an unsatisfactory unclever ending so left a bit bemused and disappointed. I’m sure there was a social parable contained within but a bit lost in oddity. Nicholas Cage, however, was fantastic. He suits being a chubby oldster far more than any heartthrob role of his past.
Crossed the road for a SUPERB curry at Zaika. Best curry I’ve had in years and the bill for the three of us? £32!! The cheapest too.
Home to console with another dysfunctional family The Crown with a comfort Crunchie.

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