
By loisbiz

Best Angle

I am delighted that my Hot Lips Salvia is still blooming; we have not had frost since that one day when I covered all my plants. I loved these little twins but I had to place these little flowers down in the corner of the photo in order to get a lovely background. There is a post right of the flower and I didn't want to include it in the photo so the flower is not in the ideal placement in the photo.  Thanks, Anni, for hosting FF; it is fun looking for a flower to photograph every Friday.

Bob's cataract surgery seems to have gone well, he has a metal eye patch and we have been putting the drops in faithfully since we got back home at 9:45AM, he was the first patient this morning at 7 AM.

It was a beautiful sunny day so when we got home I spent a couple hours in the garden and Bob sat in his recliner to rest. We are almost ready to go to bed, we are both tired.   . 

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