
By MReid

Room with a View

Our room would have been lovely in summer, with a little balcony and a view of the golf course.  And the main road outside.  
As they're repaving the car park at the hospital, I dropped DH off and came back to the hotel for a bit.  Then pottered around a bit in the room, waited in the hotel reception area, and finally went into Inverness for a bit.  Soon after I started waiting in reception, DH messaged me with his diagnosis, which isn't great, but the condition is treatable and non-life-limiting:  hairy cell leukaemia.  A rare one, the doc says, treatable with chemo.  We're keeping our eyes on the treatable and non-life-limiting prize.  Hopefully treatment can start soon. 
And they gave him two more transfusions and lots of literature to read.
And this time we got home around 6:30, even driving home in icky weather.

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