Man vs Nature

Time for the annual Monday Night Football Weekend Away Pitting Ourselves Against The Worst That Nature Can Offer weekend.

In previous years, we have tackled the epic grandeur of the Peak District and the wuthered majesty of the Yorkshire Dales. This year, we were ready for the ultimate challenge - the untamed wilderness that is the Cotswolds.

Yeah, it is hard to make the Cotswolds sound manly and dangerous. You can't throw a brick without hitting a tea room or a party of American tourists on a tour of antique shops. But it is really nice countryside and good walking.

baby brother took the lead on this first day but, after 15 minutes of walking up and down Winchcombe High Street trying to get started, we staged a coup and, after that, things went more smoothly.

A solid day's walking was followed by beer and food and a solid night's talking.

Good times.

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