Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Mary-Anne Cranie (nee McMullan)

ChatGPT helped Dad throw some light on the life of Papa's Gran, Mary-Anne McMullan today. Dad gave ChatGPT the screenshot from Ancestry.com on the left and asked it create the table on the right sorted by year of death, with the only other information being the years she was born and died. 

She lost three of her first four children 1890-92, then had three babies die in consecutive years 1901-3. She lost 20 year old Ellen in childbirth in 1914 and her eldest Bernard in the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

Mary-Anne had 20 children in total, 21 if Esther's still-born twin is counted (this was only discovered after Esther died in 1989 when another birth certificate was found glued to the back of Esther's).

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