Capital adventures

By marchmont

Cue Music

A touch of Carmen I think.

Earlier I awoke to the crash of glass which meant I'd slept in and yes, it was 7.01. I'm normally entering the Centre at 7.05 so I turned over for another hour or so. There was another panic about 8.30 when I thought I was supposed to be in Cumbernauld today but no, WFH 

That's what I did all morning and then all afternoon it was meetings, once we got the tech to work. 

I finished in good time then off to get ready for my meet up with L. It was cooler outside than I anticipated. 

I arrived at Café Andaluz in good time but the waiter/manager seated me at one table at the front of the building and L at a table at the back. It took 15 minutes for us to find one another. Luckily we did as we had a good catch up and far too much to eat and drink. 

Bus home, one ep of The Newsreader, then bed. 

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