Fly by

Argh I wrote a whole entry then lost it due to my own stupidity!

Horrid weather today is keeping the shags (cormorants) relatively sedentary (hmm I wonder if birds are sedentary).  There are half a dozen of them in the creek behind my motorhome.  Every now and then Azzy reminds them that it's HER creek, but I remind her that if she wasn't on my bed, where she's not supposed to be, she wouldn't be able to see them!

We've had two very wet walks on the beach today.  Azzy thinks it's worth facing the rain in order to chase the waves and sniff at everything on the beach.  I'm not so convinced.  She does have a raincoat but that does nothing to keep her legs and head dry, and wet sandy dog in the camper is not my idea of fun!

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