The Heat Is On

Hurrah! The heating in the hall has been mended so we can actually rehearse on the stage tonight. We’re attempting a full run of Act 1 without interruptions, but it’s not exactly going according to plan. Missing actors and some last minute rejigging of the script mean that it’s been a bit stop start at times.
Still, that’s what rehearsals are for. It is only by trying different lines/exits/entrances now that we can decide what will work best by the time we get to the actual performances.
If anything, it’s actually too warm now we’ve started running around but that’s been a bit of a theme today. For our PT session this morning, we were alternating sets of weights with running/walking on the Treadmill. By the time the session was over, 6 kilometres had been covered, a lot of weights had been lifted and we were both somewhat hot and bothered - not to say knackered!
No wonder the afternoon was spent just lazing in front of the telly!

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