
By Munroist4113

Ailie on Simonside

Ailie and I decided to have a walk up Simonside this morning despite the mizzle and cloud. We were really pleased Chris came too and that the dogs didn’t knock either of us over.

I had to get in a hot bath when I got back. My knees are really sore with the cold and damp. Ailie’s phone said 5.5 miles and mine said 4.5! It’s quite steep in places so we had a good work out.

Ailie has given Mr C a lift to Cramlington to pick up the car as she was going to Newcastle anyway to mind Andrew after school.

Mr C has been feeling out of sorts recently so when he had his blood tests to check all was well now he’s on statins they discovered he was deficient in B12. He asked if he was fit to fly so saw a GP this morning and he’ll get one B12 jab tomorrow and then 2 the week we get back from our trip then 3 more the next week till he’s down to less frequent doses. It seems quite a common thing in the elderly as one day when I was in the surgery a few were in a queue for it.

We are going out to Lynne and Gavin’s tonight for supper. It’ll be lovely to catch up.

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