My Roses

Hi All  It is a long time since I have been fully involved with blip. Had a bad winter of eye infections and other things then got the idea to put my house on the market. Life has been hectic certainly no time to pick up a camera. It is time for me to downsize my quarter acre of garden has become to much of a task at my age. Better to shift while its me that's making the decisions
Discovered a lot of jobs that needed doing around the house and finally all are achieved. I set to declutter after hoarding all my life so the Salvation Army has been the recipient of many carloads ,
I will now try and get back into blip but if I don't get much commenting done just put up with me for another few weeks and then I should get my life back on track
This is the first roses I have picked out of my garden this season and thought they were worthy of a blip even though not beautifully arranged.

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