Everyday Life

By Julez

Who Knew

just from the thumbnail that this was willow pattern?

I rescued this plate from my Dad's mainly so I can use it if I want to photograph food. Today though I'm just photographing it!

The design is based on a Japanese folk tale called The Green Willow. I wonder why the plates are always blue?

I've spent most of the day over at the bungalow. Brian drove me over there for 9 AM and I waited for three different people to come and collect things. 

It worked out quite well as the first two had arrived by 12.30 PM. I spent most of the time packing up more charity  stuff and cleaning furniture, which will also be going to charity, also the fridge/freezer which should be sold. When all that was done I read for a while until the second person arrived.

The third was not due until later, and was going to call when he was on the way, which gave me the opportunity to go out to get some lunch and have a walk around the village until the call came. Once the man who is buying the mobility scooters had been and sucked his teeth and told me not to expect too much I went and caught the train home.

The post had been and brought me a new bank card - yayy! My crappy old phone has finally been persuaded to accept the switch in provider and is working as well as can be expected too.

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