
By SightSinging

Weetbix Kid

" I need 2 weetbix Grandma and lots of milk please."
Darcy' first sleepover here without his Mum who was laid low at home with a nasty dose of gastro . ( We're suspecting infection from the persistent neighbouring cats that wee and defaecate in her garden. She's pedantic about hygiene and sprays outdoor furniture too, in order to discourage the cats spraying on those chairs. An absolute menace!!! Any tried and true suggestions welcome!)
We had a fun day here with Darcy yesterday and then he snuggled in to his old bed here and woke ready for a hearty breakfast which ended with a super sized strawberry from our garden, before heading back to his new house and having a hug with much recovered Mum before we took him to his regular day care session at The Meadows in Matangi. He was very pleased to see Mum well again and super excited to reach The Meadows and spend the day with his little friends. 

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