Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Unwanted Gift

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I took Caro a cup of coffee at 7.30am this morning. It was a bit early, but she asked me to do it last night. 

This morning however, I could tell she regretted her request. "I'm so TIRED," she said. 

It turns out that she had been awoken at 4:30am by cat paws patting the bed, frantically. 

Dreading what she might see, she turned on the light. A mouse? A moth? A cockroach?



Crashy had caught a tiny little gecko and brought it inside. He was having lots of fun patting it about. 

Caro scooped up the tiny creature and put it outside. She turned out the light and went back to sleep. 

pat...pat-pat... pat... pat... pat-pat...

Caro turned the light back on again. It was Crashy. He had recaptured the lizard and brought it back inside again. 

"FFS!" said Caro and put the lizard out again. 

She went back to sleep and...

pat-pat... pat-pat... pat... pat... pat-pat...

Crashy was most annoyed when Caro took the lizard away AGAIN. This time she went to the back door and let the poor little thing loose. 

Crashy washed himself ostentatiously and went to sleep. But of course, Caro was now wide awake. 

Her coffee went un-drunk. I didn't see her emerge until 9.30.


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