What I've Done

By JohnGravett

The great wall of Lingmoor Fell

We woke to a sprinkling of snow on the tops of the highest fells - Skiddaw, Blencathra and the Dodds all had white tops. (Extra).

The clouds soon cleared leaving a stunningly beautiful, sunny day., although bitterly cold at first. I dressed for the cold temperatures and drove down to Elterwater, and walked over Lingmoor Fell. Lingmoor has alwaysd been one of my favourite fells, although not high, the wall running along the top is spectacular, and the view of Side Pike and the Langdales at the end is one of the best in the Lakes. The walk along the valley back to Elterwater isn't particularly enthralling though, so when I saw the bus sitting by the Old Dungeon Gill as I came off Side Pike, I hurried down to it, and had the comfort of a bus ride back to Elterwater. Also got to use my bus pass for the first time. Good timing, as the next bus wasn't for another two hours!

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