Choose Joy

By Energia

I love that

I love that I have bushes and trees on my deck and birds feel safe hanging out right outside my kitchen window. 

Dinner last night was fun. The restaurant was jam packed. It was so crowded that I kept my mask on until we were brought to our table. Again, thank goodness to my mother-in-law for introducing me to Taffix. My friend’s mom is going to knit Karen and I scarves. I get a teal one. We were celebrating my friend getting a new job with a higher salary. 

Iceland is rocking and rolling. The Blue Lagoon was closed because of fear about earthquakes. A city has an evacuation order because of fears of an eruption. This would not be a good time to be visiting that side of the island I think. I’m glad they are a well run place. 

Samuel felt great today. He had energy and enthusiasm and he got pet by strangers. 

Ukraine told Russia that if they attack their electrical system again this winter that Ukraine will attack their oil and gas infrastructure. 

Surprise - Europe is facing a gas GLUT!!!! as warm weather offset the need for much of the LING it purchased in response to fears of a shortage last winter that did not materialize.

With the new invasion of Ukraine European countries kicked out intel officers from Russian embassies. They are upset. This is very disruptive to their lives to be expelled. The wife of one was advised to become a pizza delivery driver. 

Russia is delighted by the Israel - Hamas war. The war has done a great job of distracting the world from Ukraine. The protests are wonderfully distracting too. The more Russia can whip up anti-semitism, the better to distract. France caught two illegal immigrants from Moldova for painting a first batch of Stars of David on buildings. They will be expelled. Three other people were filmed by CCTV painting other stars four days later. They left the country before their arrest.

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