Lala's Journal

By Lala

Out out

Ann rang last week to see if I would join her at the theatre this evening. It seemed like a good idea last week! It took a lot of effort to get ready when really I just wanted to put on my pjs, but I actually had a good time! An am dram production of Abigail’s Party, and they were really good! 

Remembrance Day today, which for me means my sister. None of us will ever forget 11.11.11 when she passed, and it’s hard to believe it’s been 12 years. We used to speak three or four times a week on our drives into work, and I still do that even though it’s in my head and not on the phone! It was lovely too to get a message from my nephew.  I’m very proud of how he managed to pull himself round after the first couple of years without her. 

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