Tai Chi in Tavelsjö

Written by a tired Keith at the end of a very good day practicing Tai Chi. Both in the summer, and again now, we have been working on the inner form.

What does this mean? First you learn the mechanics of doing something. It could be tai chi, playing a musical instrument, learning golf or similar. Once you are fairly competent at the activity and can "do it" to a reasonable level you can spend less effort on those mechanics and begin to work on deeper aspects. The idea is relevant to any activity where you can never be perfect, and therefore can always learn more. For me, with tai chi it's doing it with less effort, less thinking, more flow, and both creating and utilising more chi!

I've posted previous blips of tai chi in Tavelsjö, inside the hall where we train, and Ulf in action showing us how it works, so today I'll post a picture from the outside of the local community centre for Tavelsjö, where we train.
We were happy to have chosen our car with winter tyres, rather than the camper van. As you can see it is definitely winter up here. It's very icy at the moment. The snow has previously been very wet but has now frozen hard. You can walk across the top of the snow without sinking in, but you can also slide along the icy snow and take a fall where it isn't perfectly flat. The roads are okay, with a little care, because they are cleared and sanded, but walking around off the roads and on the car park here was really hazardous.

Perhaps we have made the last 2023 trip in our camper van...

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