Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Knickerbocker Glory

Oh, I’ve been in a right tired old grump over the past few days. I will add in suitably grumpy back blips at some point when no one will really notice them.

And today, i again woke up in, tbh, misery. I read my book, lay in bed for a good while and then dragged myself forth. First off for a swim in the surprisingly sunny and wind free sea. Stingingly cold and perfect swim with Emma and Tracy. There were few waves but those there were, were close to to the shore. Fine getting in but I misjudged my graceful exit and got knocked over by a biggun which had me right under. And a big bump on my knee. Whatever, was a lovely swim and chit chat with the lovelies.

Quick turn around then Rosie and I popped on the bus down the road to meet Danielle and Jason for lunch. I am so happy to have them back in my life, we had a glorious afternoon with red wine, dogs, and I had knickerbocker glory for pudding. They drove me home, and came in for the dogs to go crazy a bit more and for Jason and me to drink a touch more wine.

I feel a big lovely amount happier than I was when I woke up the morning. Lovely stuff.

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