A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Silly Selfie

A heavy frost made for a chilly morning but with it came blue skies and sunshine for the rest of the day.

Washing and ironing done first thing and then out into the garden. Another bagful of leaves and plants that have been removed or cut back. I was surprised to find tiny shoots from bulbs coming up in the bed under the Magnolia when I accidentally raked one up as I raked the leaves off the bed. The early crocus variety do occasionally flower by Christmas.

Popped in for a coffee in time for the two minutes silence at 11.00am. They were performing it at the start of the Lord Mayors Parade in London.

Took this blip shot for the leaves at the edge of the path but got a full length shadow selfie as a bonus! 
Some lovely fuchsias still flowering in the garden.

The oak leaves on the top lawn are now being gobbled up by the lawn mower (at last) but there undoubtedly will be more to keep me busy.

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