A Journey To Me

By HagneMaenad

MC in Capricorn

I was exploring the aspects of my vocation in life at an astrology workshop today.

MC does not stand for a Motorcycle Club, Manchester City or Magna Carta. It's for Medium Coeli, the Midheaven.

It's the axis into life, the journey along which we travel into the world. The sign on the MC describes the nature of that journey.

Mine is in Capricorn. The sign of ambition and structure. Ruled by Saturn.

Funny, I couldn't be less about structure. I think this is the path I still need to take.

I am considering quitting my job, leaving England and going somewhere where the only rat race is to be found in the actual sewers.

I don't care how many Best Workplace awards we get, I'm not happy.

Now the question is, do I have the guts to do it?

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