View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts


A bit overcast today but no rain and i was cold so I could not get going at all. It was well into the afternoon before i ventured out into the garden and decided to look for a place to put my statue of the lady with the urn. I prepared the space putting down a piece of slab for it to sit on then I got the barrow, one with two wheels and long handles and manoeuvred the lady on to it then tied a rope round here to hold her on, carefully pushed here down to the garden and put here in place but I have still got a bit of work to do round her.
R (our very helpful crofter) came and we had a dram and a blether.
I still had no blip so after watching the Voice I jumped in the car and toured round the Balkans try to catch the sun on the water. As I came to the top of the Tarbet brae this was the view out to see so an immediate stop and out the car to blip. Luckily there was a breeze blowing so no midges tonight.

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