By LMHWong

Volunteer at Altru Festival Brisbane today

Altru Festival is an annual event in Brisbane. It offered needies / disadvantage people immediate, onsite access to essential services such as health, dental, optical, food, clothes, shoes and toiletries etc. 

My volunteer role was to hand out food package, but it wasn’t busy as the shoes section next to us. This was an oversight of the sponsor, in my personal opinion. Majority are homeless people who would have no cooking facilities. As such the contents of the food package do not appeal to them at all. 

Going to Brisbane was an adventure today. The train ride was supposed to be easy and straight forward close to the venue from Gold Coast. Due to closure of the train track for maintenance on the weekend, after 1/3 of the train ride, the train journey was replaced by bus to the city, then get on another bus to the destination. 

I am busy with volunteering work these days especially close to Xmas. I might not have opportunities to make a blip image, but will try my best whenever possible. 

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