One click at a time

By KeithKnight

June Challenge - Fast

Day 15 of TerriG's June daily challenge - Fast

Almost a year ago today (20/06/2012) the theme was fast and I took a photographic theme, with a fast lens, before that on 19/04/2012 the theme was speed which is not unrelated to fast, and I had another photographically themed blip. Consequently, it's time for a different take on the theme of fast.

I went down to the Fairfield Halls, Croydon - travelling by train - to the friends viewing of the London Salon, where I met a couple of eminent photographers that I know, including one of the people who had given advice on my ARPS panel, and who I discovered today will be one of the assessors in a couple of weeks time. A great exhibition with some fabulous images (it's on until next Saturday if you can get there, it's definitely well worth it). All that way on a train and no chance of a fast image for blip - the train windows were too dirty/marked to allow any decent pictures.

Last weekend I did some upgrades on my desktop PC, which has definitely made it faster when processing the mammoth files from the D800, this has made the processor work harder (it doesn't get the same number of rest periods as data was transferred to and from the hard discs now that it doesn't need to use them so much as virtual RAM) and the fan has to go faster. Here it is going fairly fast, but certainly not the fastest it has gone.

To get this image I had to wind up the ISO to 12,800 - which is pretty fast in itself - and had a shutter speed of 1/1250sec , but you can see the movement of the fan blades (you can also see the dust that has been sucked in, could be time for a clean inside!)

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