
I was feeling a bit better this morning, so headed into the office.  Unfortunately on the bus to work I had a coughing fit and just couldn’t stop coughing.  A kind lady offered me a mint, which helped me to stop coughing..
Work was very busy again, but a colleague and I managed to find some time to pop out at lunchtime to buy a retiral gift for another colleague,  It was nice to get outside as it was a lovely sunny day with bright blue sky. 
My afternoon was taken up with meetings and then catching up with work. 
I got home a bit later than I should have done, but just in time for tea.  BB had been at rugby training and was thankfully clean by the time I got back. 
Later I popped out for a quick walk and I could hear an owl hooting.  It sounded like it was along the railway path direction.
This is Cadenhead's shop, purveyors of whisky.

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