
By Gallopinggran


These scrumptious Chocolate’s were given to me yesterday. I do love dark chocolate.
Today has been a a bit “ iffy” for me, so what’s new, everyday as it comes, I must say I’ve had pleasanter ones.
I am quite cold again, but it will get worse I suppose? Not looking forward to lower temperatures though.
I did a couple of shopping bits, with “A’s” help. My friend is popping in tonight & as it’s her birthday next week I needed to get a card & a gift .
This afternoon I had to make an appointment for the service & MOT so that will be the week after next , also paid for a years Road Tax. £240.00 it just goes up & up every year. Hey ho need wheel then you have to pay.
Do hope you’ve all had a good Friday although the weather hasn’t been great.

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