Country File

By marypot

Tiny Dancer

Busy, busy (mostly) fun day! Grace had a ballet lesson this morning when the girls had promo photos taken for the ballet school's upcoming production. It can get a bit stressful primping them up to expected standards but she looked great dressed as a doll. I asked to take her photo before she went up to her class and she struck this pose without batting an eyelid. Fantastic!
After the ballet, we had an hour spare to wander round the shops before going back to the sports centre for a birthday party at the bowling alley. The girls really enjoyed running around, eating lots and having a bowl too.
This afternoon it was the fair in the neighbouring village. Traditionally it buckets down this day, but today for once it was warm and sunny so the girls had a wonderful time having a bear hunt and playing with their friends on the village green. Unfortunately it all got a bit much for Grace, who became inconsolable when she bought two sets of tombola tickets and didn't win the prize she had her eye on. She didn't quite understand the concept. Because of this we couldn't take her out this evening to the last of the day's social engagements: a barbecue and camp out at a friend's place. They live in a fantastic location with land that meanders right down to the river. There were lots of families there, with a trampoline for the kids and an impromptu dance floor and dj set. The BBQ food was delicious and there was lots of it. Even the heavy rain showers didn't dampen spirits. Ophelia and Arwen had a blast dancing to the tunes. Ophi also enjoyed toasting copious amounts of marshmallows on the camp fire. We didn't stay over like some of the families since we don't have a tent. Kind of wish we did actually as it would have been fun! Maybe...
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