The joyful environmentalist
Here's Isabel Losada, author of the above-titled book, at the Stroud book festival. Her talk was good, and Stroud audiences are tough. When she told us to join an organic veg box scheme (she actually said Riverford) the audience gasped, 'No! We have local schemes!'. Same with Ecotricity and Extinction Rebellion. Made in Stroud, don't you know?
Someone approached me after the show, and introduced herself as my former boss of 29 years ago! Not only did she look the same age as ever, but she was also wearing a chunky cardigan from the mid-1990s! I was astonished to discover that she is now 70 and retired. Moved back to the Cotswolds. I expect I'll bump into her every five minutes now.
After that I went to meditation. I also did a full day's work, comme toujours. I've got plenty of tickets for the book festival, so I predict you'll be seeing more of it.
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