Autumn Fire

A particularly glum, wet and unwelcoming day out there... but for m moment the Sun shone through the grey and set fire to the Beech at the front of our garden. I love the vivid spectacle of autumn Acers in their resplendent colours, but there's nothing more redolent of an English Autumn than Beech leaves.

What one reads and sees in the media colours one's opinions, and I couldn't help but note the difference today in reporting the war in Gaza between the BBC and Al Jazeera. On the BBC there was lots of video showing the IDF as they went into Gaza, and reportage from within refugee camps. On Al Jazeera we followed an ambulance driver as he collected wounded civilians and in some cases dug out small children from underneath buildings collapsed by the invading forces. There seemed a real distinction; a "calmer" war on the BBC screens than on Al Jazeera, and yet both were accurately reporting what they saw. 

Will there by a war crimes tribunal? As with most things, history is written by the winners... and it does appear a bit one sided. I suppose Braverman and her ilk would say the people of Gaza made a life choice...

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