Today my wonderful daughter took me to Bromley for a bit of retail shopping. Well that & to start the " C" & birthday shop. . December is an expensive month with birthdays as well as the season stuff!
K had booked a scooter for me , so that was very helpful. I wasn't a 100% today bui was ok most of the time with just a couple of blips ( excuse the pun!) Then a further 1 at home K had to go for a teaching booked tuition. When she had left I discovered we'd left some of our shopping behind . Of course instead of leaving in the store to collect latter it should have been taken to the car? Ain't hindsight grand?? Never mind but I'm so sad for K if only I could go & collect it, frustration for me yet again.
However a successful shop for all that & lovely to spend the day with K I'm so fortunate to have her, she was my 1st born & a very wanted baby , thank you K for being you.
I'm not feeling too good now but hey ho tomorrow is another day.
P.S. K has just rang & the wonderful Rev took her into the Glades where she went & collected said shopping.
Hope everyone has had a good day.
Oh yes , I got a new jumper & trousers ( I just hope they'll fit ' cos I'm in desperate need of something that doesn't fall off me?)
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