In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius

Light the end of the tunnel

The King - Joy & Anger
His test results indicate that all his cancerous clusters have gone, so he'll have two more rounds of chemo to complete his treatment, I think.

I'm relieved that the hospital have insisted that he's kept away from school until his treatment is complete; also that with any sign of being unwell that he must be taken into hospital immediately.

My daughter messaged Mrs M that they were planning to take him to a  soft play area (mixing with other toddlers) today! I was flabbergasted; thankfully Mrs M responded (rather than me) to suggest that this would appear to be more risky than school. I'm still angry.

Apols - overloaded with lots of stuff going on so am back to being blip-selfish for a while.

Thanks for all the stars n hearts yesterday.

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