
By Wildwood

Tiny Still Life

Blipper Suejay50 has a 'blip box' in which she keeps interesting odds and ends that she has collected. I have a plate with a bunch of stuff on it that I often delve into in an emergency. I did so today for this still life. I put the dragonfly in for scale and because the wings showed up nicely on the yellow background. The larger rock in the back fascinates me because it is a rock that formed around another rock and John just brought me the one on the right which he found somewhere.

We had to cut down an agave on our hill a few months ago because it bloomed and was in the process of dying. Pedro said we should leave the stump because it was stabilizing the hill. Since the hill is mostly agaves we thought it would be nice to find a different kind to plant in front of the stump. There is a variegated agave 'Americana' which we've seen growing all over the place here but couldn't find in any nursery here. Once we decided that's what we wanted, nothing else would do. We finally ordered one online with some trepidation which turned out to be justified. We ordered it from a place called Eureka Farms because we thought it was reasonably close and wouldn't be so far to ship. It wasn't until we got an email saying that the ones the size we wanted weren't up to snuff that I realized that despite its namesake town in Northern California, Eureka Farms is in Florida. After much back and forth The plant finally arrived yesterday, a rather small pathetic one with two broken spines. It will grow but it doesn't seem worth the substantial price we paid for it.

Inspired by Booky_Goatherd's picture of her cat Barney  who had adopted a basket they were going to throw away as his bed, I started looking for a picture of our cat, Angus, in an antique Canton china bowl. It turns out that there are a LOT of cats in the blipfoto family. I'll wager that there might be even more dogs, but I didn't have time to go down that rabbit hole. I did find my picture of Angus in the bowl and put it in extras.

Our neighbor Cindy came by with her basset hound, Hazel who is trying to teach Spike how to play. She's reasonably successful, but it takes a bit of time together before they get warmed up. I keep trying to get a picture of them together but it's mostly a blur....

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